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Image by Katie Rainbow 🏳️‍🌈

Episode 2: Bisexuality

About the episode

This episode we are so pleased to welcome our special guest, actor and producer, April Kelley. We openly discuss bisexuality and our very different experiences from coming out to how to support others who are worried about their sexuality.


Bisexuality is an umbrella term that includes all people who experience any kind of attraction to more than one gender. Their attraction could be physical, romantic, and/or emotional.

Bisexual people may experience different kinds of attraction to different genders, and their attractions may change over time. Being bisexual isn't measured by how much you like or how many relationships you have with one gender over another. 


On the video we talk very openly about our experiences and support from the LGBT+ and straight communities in the hope of demystifying what being bisexual is and looks like, and also the help available if anyone would like further information. 


Bisexual Resource Center (

Accelerating acceptance for the bi community | GLAAD

To watch April's fantastic film 'Treacle' go to April Kelley | Treacle | Actress


Thank you so much for watching this episode of Strong Tea, we hope you’ll be back for more!


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